Get Bricks

SVG Control

The SVG control lets you select an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) file from the media library. The selected SVG returns an array with the following keys:

  • id (media library item ID)
  • filename
  • url

We recommend rendering the SVG inline as shown in the code example below. This way you can easily customize it via CSS.

class Prefix_Element_Svg extends \Bricks\Element {
  // Set builder controls
  public function set_controls() {
    $this->controls['exampleSvg'] = [
      'tab' => 'content',
      'type' => 'svg',

  // Render element HTML
  public function render() {
    if ( isset( $this->settings['exampleSvg']['url'] ) ) {
      echo file_get_contents( esc_url( $this->settings['exampleSvg']['url'] ) );
    } else {
      esc_html_e( 'No SVG selected.', 'bricks' );
