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Topic: Controls (Developer)
Query Control
The query control lets you set query arguments to retrieve items of any post type. Use the returned value to… ...
Border Control
The border control lets you set the following border properties: Border width (top/right/bottom/left)Background style (top/right/bottom/left)Background color (none/solid/double/dotted/dashed)Border radius (top/right/bottom/left) The example below… ...
Background Control
The background control lets you set the following background properties: Background colorBackground imageBackground video (requires bricksBackgroundVideoInit script. See code example… ...
Icon Control
The icon control lets you select and output icons from the following icon font libraries: Fontawesome 6Ionicons 4Themify The user… ...
Checkbox Control
The checkbox control is a simple on/off switch. If enabled it outputs a boolean value of true. Disabled it returns… ...
Info Control
The info control does not affect the HTML or CSS on the frontend. It serves as a builder-only helper controls… ...
Editor Control
The editor control provides the default WordPress editor. To directly edit content in the builder preview set the inlineEditing properties.… ...
Dimensions Control
The dimensions control is perfect for adding multi-directional CSS properties such as margin and padding (top/right/bottom/left). You can set the… ...
Code Control
The code control embeds a code editor utilizing the amazing CodeMirror library. Users for which you've enabled "Code Execution" in… ...
Link Control
The link control give you the choice of different link types: Internal post/pageExternal URLPopup (image, video) ...
Number Control
The number control represents a simple number input field. It has the following custom properties: units (optional: boolean or array)unit… ...
Textarea Control
The textarea control displays a textarea input field. You can set the following parameters: rows (number. Default: 5)readonly (true/false. Default: false)spellcheck (true/false.… ...
Audio Control
The audio control lets you select an audio file from the media library. It also gives you various options to… ...
Box Shadow Control
The box-shadow control is a CSS control and you can set the following properties: Offset XOffset YSpreadBlurColorInset Resources https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/box-shadow ...
Image Control
The image control lets you select a single image from your media library. Once an image has been selected you… ...
Datepicker Control
The datepicker control provides a great interface for selecting a specific date and time and outputting it in the format… ...
Image Gallery Control
The image gallery control lets you select multiple images from your media library. Once images have been selected you can… ...
Color Control
The color control is a custom-built color picker that you won't find anywhere else. It lets you pick and adjust… ...
Typography Control
The typography control provides the following CSS properties: colorfont-sizetext-aligntext-transformfont-familyfont-weightfont-styleline-heightletter-spacingtext-shadowtext-decoration Use the exclude parameter to hide specific typography properties. Set popup to… ...
Repeater Control
The repeater control lets you create repeatable fields. Fields can be cloned, deleted, and sorted via Drag & Drop. Use… ...
Filters Control
The filters control offers the following CSS filters: blur, brightness, contrast, hue, invert, opacity, saturation, sepia. All sections, rows, columns,… ...
SVG Control
The SVG control lets you select an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) file from the media library. The selected SVG returns… ...
Text Shadow Control
The text-shadow control displays a popup that lets you set the CSS text-shadow of a specified HTML text element. Resources… ...
Slider Control
The slider control shows a draggable range input field. Default units are px, em and rem. You can set the… ...
Select Control
The select control lets you select an option from a dropdown. It can be used to render content or CSS… ...
Text Control
The text control displays a text input field. You can set the following parameters: spellcheck: true/false. (Default: false)trigger: 'keyup'/'enter'. (Default:… ...
Element Controls
Element controls allow the user to change the content and appearance of an element. You can define the controls of an… ...
Gradient Control
The gradient control lets you define an unlimited number of gradients that you can apply to text, background, and as… ...
Apply Control
The apply control saves your settings. You can set the reload control property to true in order to trigger a… ...
Align Items Control (Flexbox)
Use the align-items control to allow users to set the align-items CSS property (alignment along the cross-axis) of your CSS… ...
Justify Content Control (Flexbox)
Use the justify-content control to allow users to set the justify-content CSS property (alignment along the main-axis) of your CSS… ...
Direction Control (Flexbox)
Use the direction control to allow users to set the flex-direction CSS property of your CSS flexbox layout. ...
Text Align Control
Use the text-align control to allow users to set the text-align CSS property like so: ...
Text Decoration Control
Use the text-decoration control to allow users to set the text-decoration CSS property like so: ...
Text Transform Control
Use the text-transform control to allow users to set the text-transform CSS property like so: ...