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Custom JavaScript events in Bricks

Bricks offers a range of custom JavaScript events that you can leverage to enhance the functionality and interactivity of your website. These events allow you to respond to specific actions or changes within your Bricks-powered site. Let’s explore the custom events available in Bricks:

Form element events

Tabs / Tabs (Nestable) element events

// Listen for the 'bricks/tabs/changed' event
document.addEventListener('bricks/tabs/changed', (event) => {
  // Extract information from the event detail
  const { elementId, activeIndex, activeTitle, activePane } = event.detail;
  // Only target elementID lwxvfh
  if( elementId !== 'lwxvfh' ) {

  // Example: Log the details to the console
  console.log(`Tabs Changed - Element ID: ${elementId}, Active Index: ${activeIndex}, Active Title: ${activeTitle}, Active Pane: ${activePane}`);

  // Your custom logic here
  // For example, update the UI based on the tab change

Accordion / Accordion (Nestable) element events

  • bricks/accordion/open: Emitted after an accordion item is opened/expanded via click action (@since 1.9.8)
  • bricks/accordion/close: Emitted after an accordion item is closed/collapsed via click action (@since 1.9.8)
// Listen for the 'bricks/accordion/open' event
document.addEventListener('bricks/accordion/open', (event) => {
  // Extract information from the event detail
  const { elementId, openItem } = event.detail;

  // Only target elementID qwe3th
  if( elementId !== 'qwe3th' ) {

  // Example: Log the details to the console
  console.log(`Accordion Opened - Element ID: ${elementId}, Open Item ID: ${openItem}`);

  // Your custom logic here
  // For example, update the UI based on the accordion item being opened
// Listen for the 'bricks/accordion/close' event
document.addEventListener('bricks/accordion/close', (event) => {
  // Extract information from the event detail
  const { elementId, closeItem } = event.detail;

  // Only target elementID qwe3th
  if( elementId !== 'qwe3th' ) {

  // Example: Log the details to the console
  console.log(`Accordion Closed - Element ID: ${elementId}, Closed Item ID: ${closeItem}`);

  // Your custom logic here
  // For example, update the UI based on the accordion item being closed

Animation events

Popup events

AJAX popup open event sequence

  1. bricks/ajax/popup/start
  2. bricks/ajax/popup/end
  3. bricks/ajax/popup/loaded
  4. bricks/popup/open

Bricks AJAX events

Bricks AJAX = Infinite Scroll, Load More, AJAX Pagination, or Query Filter.

Infinite scroll event sequence

  1. bricks/ajax/start
  2. bricks/ajax/end
  3. bricks/ajax/load_page/completed

AJAX pagination event sequence

  1. bricks/ajax/start
  2. bricks/ajax/end
  3. bricks/ajax/pagination/completed

AJAX filter event sequence

  1. bricks/ajax/start
  2. bricks/ajax/end
  3. bricks/ajax/query_result/completed
  4. bricks/ajax/query_result/displayed

document.addEventListener('bricks/ajax/start', (event) => {
  // Get the queryId from the event
  const queryId = event.detail.queryId || false;

  if (!queryId) {

  // Your custom logic here
  // For example, initiate a loader or update UI to indicate AJAX request start

document.addEventListener('bricks/ajax/end', (event) => {
  // Get the queryId from the event
  const queryId = event.detail.queryId || false;

  if (!queryId) {

  // Your custom logic here
  // For example, initiate a loader or update UI to indicate AJAX request end

document.addEventListener('bricks/ajax/pagination/completed', (event) => {
  // Extract queryId from the event detail
  const queryId = event.detail.queryId;

  // Your custom logic here
  // For example, handle the completed pagination for the specific queryId

document.addEventListener('bricks/ajax/load_page/completed', (event) => {
  // Extract information from the event detail
  const { queryTrailElement, queryId } = event.detail;

  // Your custom logic here
  // For example, handle the completed AJAX page load for the specific queryId and queryTrailElement

document.addEventListener('bricks/ajax/query_result/completed', (event) => {
  // Extract information from the event detail
  const queryId = event.detail.queryId;

  // Your custom logic here

document.addEventListener('bricks/ajax/query_result/displayed', (event) => {
  // Extract information from the event detail
  const queryId = event.detail.queryId;

  // Your custom logic here