Get Bricks

Color Control

The color control is a custom-built color picker that you won’t find anywhere else.

It lets you pick and adjust colors in hex, rgba and hsl format. It also includes a global color palette to save any color for later reuse anywhere else on your site.

Define your own default color palette with the bricks/builder/color_palette filter.

You can set the CSS property to color or background-color as illustrated in the example below.

class Prefix_Element_Color extends \Bricks\Element {
  // Set builder controls
  public function set_controls() {
    // Text color applied to '.prefix-element-test-title'
    $this->controls['exampleColor'] = [
      'tab' => 'content',
      'label' => esc_html__( 'Title color', 'bricks' ),
      'type' => 'color',
      'inline' => true,
      'css' => [
          'property' => 'color',
          'selector' => '.prefix-element-test-title',
      'default' => [
        'hex' => '#3ce77b',
        'rgb' => 'rgba(60, 231, 123, 0.9)',

    // Background color applied to '.prefix-element-test-content'
    $this->controls['exampleBackgroundColor'] = [
      'tab' => 'content',
      'label' => esc_html__( 'Background color', 'bricks' ),
      'type' => 'color',
      'inline' => true,
      'css' => [
          'property' => 'background-color',
          'selector' => '.prefix-element-test-content',
      'default' => [
        'hex' => '#1ebea5',
        'rgb' => 'rgba(30, 190, 165, 0.8)',

  // Render element HTML
  public function render() {
    echo '<h5 class="prefix-element-test-title">' . get_bloginfo( 'name' ) . '</h5>';
    echo '<p class="prefix-element-test-content">Just some bogus text ..</p>';

Color palette filter

Add the following PHP code into the funcions.php file of your child theme to add your own colors to the default color palette (option #1) or replace all default colors with your own choice of colors (option #2).

// functions.php
add_filter( 'bricks/builder/color_palette', function( $colors ) {
  // Option #1: Add individual color
  $colors[] = [
    'hex' => '#3ce77b',
    'rgb' => 'rgba(60, 231, 123, 0.56)',

  // Option #2: Override entire color palette
  $colors = [
    ['hex' => '#3ce77b'],
    ['hex' => '#f1faee'],
    ['hex' => '#a8dadc'],
    ['hex' => '#457b9d'],
    ['hex' => '#1d3557'],

  return $colors;
} );

If you have saved any custom colors with the builder you need to reset your global settings in order for your new default colors to take effect.