Get Bricks

Keyboard Shortcuts

Quickly perform the most common in-builder actions through short & simple keyboard shortcuts:

Key CombinationDescription
CMD / CTRLInsert element outside active nestable/parent element
CMD / CTRL + SSave changes
CMD / CTRL + Shift + SForce save all data
CMD / CTRL + PToggle preview mode
CMD / CTRL + BSwitch between responsive editing modes
CMD / CTRL + ZUndo your last change
CMD / CTRL + Shift + Arrow downEdit next element (same level)
CMD / CTRL + Shift + Arrow upEdit previous element (same level)
CMD / CTRL + Shift + Arrow rightEdit first child element
CMD / CTRL + Shift + Arrow leftEdit parent element (container)
CMD / CTRL + Shift + ZRedo your last change
CMD / CTRL + Shift + DDuplicate selected element
CMD / CTRL + Shift + FFocus on element setting search input (in panel)
CMD / CTRL + Shift + LToggle template library
CMD / CTRL + Shift + PWrap in block
CMD / CTRL + Shift + HShow history panel
CMD / CTRL + Shift + VView on frontend
CMD / CTRL + Shift + XShow structure panel
CMD / CTRL + Shift + EShow elements panel (and focus on search)
CMD / CTRL + DeleteDelete active element (and its children)
CMD / CTRL + ENTERToggle element classes UI
Shift (modifier)Hold down “Shift” to:
– Adjust element spacing (margin, padding)
or container sizing (height, width) on the canvas
in steps of 5 (custom units) or 10 (default unit = px)
– Directly edit new element
ESCCancel/close popup (templates, documentation, etc.)
ALT/OPTION + TFocus on toolbar (logo). TAB through toolbar possible