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Unsplash Integration

Finding affordable, high-quality, commercially useable photography for your website (that doesn’t scream stock photography) is really hard. Bricks is putting an end to it., the world’s largest and most generous community of photographers, allows you to use their photography royalty free (commercial use included). No linking back or attribution required. Unsplash operates under a so-called “do whatever you want” license.

Browse and download any Unsplash photo inside the builder by clicking the Browse Unsplash button below any image control.

Rename & Download

Hover over any photo and click the Download button to download a photo from Unsplash directly into your WordPress media library. All resizing is done automatically in the background for you.

File renaming is enabled by default, to give your images this extra SEO push. If you prefer to keep the default file names you can disable the “Rename images” checkbox in the top right corner of the Unsplash popup.

How To Generate Your Unsplash API Key

To receive access to Unsplash’s photo library you need to generate an API key. It’s 100% free and only takes two minutes.

  1. Create an Unsplash developer account if you don’t already have one:
  2. Log in and visit
  3. Click New Application, check all boxes and click Accept terms.
  4. Fill out the application name and description and click Create application.
  5. Scroll down to Keys and copy the Access key.
  6. Return to your WordPress dashboard. Go to Bricks > Settings > API Keys and paste your Unsplash API key under Unsplash API Key. Click Save.

If you click on Browse Unsplash below any image control in the builder the latest Unsplash photos should now appear, ready for you to download.