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Align Items Control (Flexbox)

Use the align-items control to allow users to set the align-items CSS property (alignment along the cross-axis) of your CSS flexbox layout.

There is also a justify-content control to allow users to set the alignment along the main axis of your CSS flexbox layout:

public function set_controls() {
  $this->controls['alignItems'] = [ // Setting key
    'tab'   => 'content',
    'label' => esc_html__( 'Align items', 'bricks' ),
    'type'  => 'align-items',
    'css'   => [
        'property' => 'align-items',
        'selector' => '.flexbox-wrapper',
    // 'isHorizontal' => false,
    // 'exclude' => [
      // 'flex-start',
      // 'center',
      // 'flex-end',
      // 'space-between',
      // 'space-around',
      // 'space-evenly',
    // ],