The link control give you the choice of different link types:
- Internal post/page
- External URL
- Popup (image, video)
class Prefix_Element_Link extends \Bricks\Element {
// Set builder controls
public function set_controls() {
$this->controls['exampleLink'] = [
'tab' => 'content',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Link', 'bricks' ),
'type' => 'link',
'pasteStyles' => false,
'placeholder' => esc_html__( '', 'bricks' ),
// 'exclude' => [
// 'rel',
// 'newTab',
// ],
// Render element HTML
public function render() {
if ( isset( $this->settings['exampleLink'] ) ) {
// Set link attributes by passing attribute key and link settings
$this->set_link_attributes( 'a', $this->settings['exampleLink'] );
echo '<a ' . $this->render_attributes( 'a' ) . '>' . get_bloginfo( 'name' ) . '</a>';
} else {
esc_html_e( 'No link provided.', 'bricks' );